Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Christmas Tree

Even though I love Christmas, I don't go all out with decorating.  I don't seem to have the energy.  Plus, our house is pretty small and too much decoration would look cluttered.

Here's my tree plus a few ornaments:

Tree at night:


This is part of my snowglobe collection. They're on my roll-top of my favorite pieces of furniture:

Thanks for stopping by!  I'll post more picture of my holiday decorations (minimal though they are) on another day.


Buttercup said...

I've got a snowglobe collection, too. Most are in the office, but a few sit on a shelf overlooking the computer. Hope you had a great Christmas!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Hi there!! I LOVE your snowglobe collection and your tree is very pretty! =)

Wishing you and your family a happy and blessed New Year! XOXO ~Liz

P.S. Thanks for commenting on my blog post! *smiles*

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